*Please limit your registration to one account. Multiple accounts linked to the same IP will be removed without warning.
*Members are expected to be respectful and courteous to each other and the moderators. No direct or indirect attacks of any kind will be tolerated. Members who have issues with other members of the board are expected to resolve their issues outside the forum.
*Leave your baggage at the door. Inflammatory posts about other boards or internet groups will NOT be tolerated and will be removed without notice.
*Trolling and spamming are prohibited. Accounts used for these purposes will be deleted without notice.
*Keep it clean. Harassment on the boards or in PM will not be tolerated.
*Members that have created an account but have 0 posts after a period of 30 days will be removed. If your account is removed for inactivity 3 times, your IP address will be banned from the forum. This is for the privacy and protection of our members.
*Violations of these rules will result in disciplinary measures, which ultimately may include being banned from the forum. Members may or may not be given a warning.
*The moderators reserve the right to remove posts and members that are detrimental to the supportive nature of the board.
Your participation on the forum signifies your understanding and acceptance of the rules.